13/09/10 Jeff Moore
flanked by two Spartan warriors, Dan Schlund - the world's original rocket man - jets into Trafalgar Square for the launch of 'Halo: Reach' on Xbox 360. The game, which is set to smash the Halo series through the $2billion mark, launches globally tomorrow, with Westfield shopping centre to open at midnight on Monday especially. For more information please contact Paul McEntee on 0203 047 4078

13/09/10 Jeff Moore
flanked by two Spartan warriors, Dan Schlund - the world's original rocket man - jets into Trafalgar Square for the launch of 'Halo: Reach' on Xbox 360. The game, which is set to smash the Halo series through the $2billion mark, launches globally tomorrow, with Westfield shopping centre to open at midnight on Monday especially. For more information please contact Paul McEntee on 0203 047 4078

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13/09/10 Jeff Moore
flanked by two Spartan warriors, Dan Schlund - the world's original rocket man - jets into Trafalgar Square for the launch of 'Halo: Reach' on Xbox 360. The game, which is set to smash the Halo series through the $2billion mark, launches globally tomorrow, with Westfield shopping centre to open at midnight on Monday especially. For more information please contact Paul McEntee on 0203 047 4078

13/09/10 Jeff Moore
flanked by two Spartan warriors, Dan Schlund - the world's original rocket man - jets into Trafalgar Square for the launch of 'Halo: Reach' on Xbox 360. The game, which is set to smash the Halo series through the $2billion mark, launches globally tomorrow, with Westfield shopping centre to open at midnight on Monday especially. For more information please contact Paul McEntee on 0203 047 4078

13/09/10 Jeff Moore
flanked by two Spartan warriors, Dan Schlund - the world's original rocket man - jets into Trafalgar Square for the launch of 'Halo: Reach' on Xbox 360. The game, which is set to smash the Halo series through the $2billion mark, launches globally tomorrow, with Westfield shopping centre to open at midnight on Monday especially. For more information please contact Paul McEntee on 0203 047 4078
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